Don’t miss out on this unforgettable weekend…. ‘just us girls’ and about 10,000 more! The 2009 event from The Revolve Tour, 4Real, combines amazing music, relevant real-life stories, drama, excitement and learning how to be real! The Revolve Tour is coming to the Ft. Worth Convention Center this October 9th – 10th, and you don’t want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind inspirational weekend for teen girls. The cost is $64.00 and includes conference, hotel, meals and transportation. There are only a few tickets available so please sign-up and have your parents call for confirmation ASAP. If you would like to sponsor one of our teen girls who cannot afford to attend this conference, please see Susan Fox or call the youth office at 972-242-1582. As always, thank you for your love and support of our youth!