Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Don’t miss out on this unforgettable weekend…. ‘just us girls’ and about 10,000 more!  The 2009 event from The Revolve Tour, 4Real, combines amazing music, relevant real-life stories, drama, excitement and learning how to be real!  The Revolve Tour is coming to the Ft. Worth Convention Center this October 9th – 10th, and you don’t want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind inspirational weekend for teen girls. The cost is $64.00 and includes conference, hotel, meals and transportation. There are only a few tickets available so please sign-up and have your parents call for confirmation ASAP.  If you would like to sponsor one of our teen girls who cannot afford to attend this conference, please see Susan Fox or call the youth office at 972-242-1582.  As always, thank you for your love and support of our youth!

See You at the Pole (SYATP) RALLY

Wednesday evening, September 23rd , all youth, 7th – 12th grades, are invited to join us for our annual See You At The Pole Rally.  The rally will start at 7:05 pm and will include praise and worship music, pizza, games, door prizes, awesome fun and much more.  We are excited to have Mason Adair, youth pastor of Victory Baptist Church, Seagoville, as our guest speaker.  This year’s theme “Engage:  Go and pray” is the starting point for us to engage our world, to begin praying for revival and a mighty movement of God on our campuses.  This outreach into our public schools in the area is a great opportunity for our youth to share Christ and to see the lives of their friends changed forever.  Begin praying now that God will engage the hearts of our youth, and that our youth will engage the heart of God for their campus.   Spread the word… September 23rd!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Truth Project

Not conformed. Life transformed. Mind renewed.
It all starts with the Truth.
Can you handle it?

The Truth Project is a DVD-based small group curriculum comprised of 13 video lessons taught by Dr. Del Tackett, President of the Focus Leadership Institute. This study is designed to be a starting point for looking at life from a Biblical perspective. Each lesson explores in great detail the relevance and importance of living a Christian worldview in daily life while laying the foundation to help believers engage with people and culture more effectively. (To learn more, visit the website: www.thetruthproject.org.)

The Truth Project small group is taking place on Sunday nights through mid-December, and is meeting from 5:30-7:30 pm in the Student Center.

If you would like to be a part of the next group of 10-15 who'll participate in this initial session, please contact Brent Fox.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Ladies' Bible Study

Ladies' Bible Study
Starting Tuesday, September 29th
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Family Life Center, room 302
Cost: $15.00

Ladies, We will be studying "Lies Women Believe" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss beginning Tuesday evening, September 29th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in room 302 of the Family Life Center. We plan to have 7 lessons in the Fall, and 6 in the Spring. A sign up sheet will be at the Welcome Center for the next two Sundays. Books will be ordered Monday the 14th. The cost of the study material is $15.00. If needed, a nursery will be provided. Please pray about attending this life changing study! For more information, contact Diane Shiflett at 972-242-5838.

Please be in prayer for our study. Satan wants us to believe these lies, and does not want us to understand the truth of God that can "set us free". "All things eternal are born of prayer".

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The Men's Advance Retreat - October 9th and 10th


All men - mature, immature, young or old
Stillwater, Oklahoma
October 9th and 10th

Great Bible teaching and preaching to keep your walk of integrity, honor, love, peace, and character in check. Come and be molded and shaped by the Father.

All men, young or old, are invited to join the largest independent Baptist men’s meeting in America, with over 1,500 men in attendance at the Payne County Expo Center, just east of Stillwater, Oklahoma. Preaching-centered, local-church based, non-ecumenical. The theme this year is “Life’s Worst Case Scenarios,” based on the life of Joseph. The format is much like that of the Iron Men Conference in the spring. The dates are October 9-10, beginning Friday night at 7:00 and concluding Saturday around 3:00 p.m.
We will be taking a group, departing from the church on Friday around 12 noon. The cost is $65 per person (includes three full meals with conference workbook and overnight accommodation in the OSU dormitory rooms).
Come and be motivated to possess an excellent spirit by trusting the goodness of God and His plan, regardless of what life throws at you. With God there are no worst-case scenarios. Sign up today at the welcome center. For more information see Rob Lane or David Rice.

